Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Who needs (non pedistrian) transportation anyway?

My sister and her husband came to visit me just after my birthday. I took the day off work and we set out for an all-day walking tour of the city... this was his first trip here. Not only did I want to show both of them all of my favorite city sites, but I also found a list (go google) of movies set in New York City with easily recognizible landmarks... that list is to follow.

  1. We took the A/C train to High Street in Brooklyn and first walked across the Brooklyn bridge into Manhattan

  2. Walked through City Hall Park and then down Broadway towards Ground Zero

  3. Back up West Broadway to the City Hall/ Courthouse area, and then East towards Chinatown

  4. Meandered in zig-zags through streetstalls offering "Rolaxes" and "Preda" luxury goods, passing few unidentified animals roasting in window spits and stands of slowly moving crabs/dried mushrooms

  5. Worked our way through Little Italy and Nolita up to Houston, and continued East blocks past the Bowrey

  6. First lunch spot attempt, Katz Deli, looked so much more appetizing (not to mention economical) in the famous scene from "When Harry Met Sally." Insted opted for a slice of Ray's pizza. Who knows which version of the chain we actually selected..only that it contained "Famous, Orignal, Rays, and Pizza" in no particular order.

  7. Back over to Broadway, with a quick stop in the Adidas store to buy my sister new socks- a practical, rather than asthetic response to needing more cushion to support the walking

  8. Down Bleeker to McDougal, past my old favorite 24-hour cafe, Esperanto, and over to Washington Square Park

  9. Down to West 4th, and then over to Greenwich Village for a photo-op at the "Friends" apartment building (which looks different in real life)

  10. Back over to W. 4th for a half-price Happy Hour beer at Down the Hatch

  11. Up 6th Ave to 14th Street and over to Union Square

  12. Up Broadway to Madison Square (Flatiron Building)

  13. Through the garment district (continuing North on Broadway) past Herald Square, where the Macy's window displays were... completely non-existant

  14. Crossed over to 5th Avenue at around 36th St, and up towards the New York Public Library at 42nd

  15. Over to Grand Central

  16. Meandered up through Park Ave, worked our way to Madison, cut through several mid-block plazas, and worked our way up to 57th Street

  17. Quick stop at Niketown to mutually make advantage of my 30% off friends & family coupon and the Niketown gift card in their wallets for the past 3 months

  18. Dinner at a Thai restaurant on 56th St.

  19. Quick stop at my apartment to change clothes and rest our feet

  20. Down to 46th St to see "Spamalot." Sore legs from an intense day of walking now matched with sore abs from all the deep belly-laughing

  21. Walked home and promptly crashed

Total mileage for DAY ONE? At least 12.44 miles (according to http://www.mapmyrun.com/, and that only includes the streets I could actually remember!) I had no idea it was actually that far, and would not have probably walked that much myself, let alone dragged my out-of-town guests! However, they were incredibly good sports and were happy to indulge me playing tour guide!

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