Thursday, July 29, 2010

Our new vacuum... totally SUCKS!

You can tell that I must be a married lady... I'm writing about vacuum cleaners. Thanks to free shipping, an additional 10% off, Macy's Home Sale, and multiple gift cards, I'm now the proud owner of a new Dyson.

When I first moved to New York City, I remember how much buying my first vacuum made me feel all grown up. That little dinky Eureka upright is now our "backup" and lives downstairs- hopefully it will start to suck again, now that I changed the filter. Even more than buying a condo and becoming a homeowner, it was the simple principle that I OWNED A VACUUM that made me feel like an adult.

But on to more important things! It's like I went from a rusty Datsun to a Lexus. I'm now a married lady and pushing around the Lexus of vacuum cleaners.

It arrived yesterday, and naturally, the first thing I did was vacuum our entire upstairs. No hoses, just the floor cleaners. The nice thing about my old vacuum was that I only had to empty the canister a few times a year. My new vacuum? I filled the entire container JUST vacuuming our rugs upstairs. Inspiring that our vacuum sucks so much, or scary that there is just so much dirt and dust to suck?

Monday, July 26, 2010

How to change your name

If it wasn't already obvious, my husband and I just got married. I've just begun the arduous process with the Social Security Administration of changing my last name.

Wow, what a process.

Not only do I need to provide detailed information (i.e. my sho
e size, the name of each of my parent's childhood pets, how many servings of fruits and vegetables I consume daily), but I also need to bring a small file cabinet of documents.

I don't yet have a Massachusetts driver's license, because a) we just got our first car and hadn't needed a local one before this, and b) I only wanted to get one fresh document with my new name.

Anyway, today's attempt was foiled by my absent passport, though rumor through the grape vine is that I need my current MA license with my new name in order for the SSA to officially change my name. Let's just hope that one is simply misinformed but well-intentioned advice!

On the very positive plus side though, my new last name will very shortly be an anagram of my first name.

Newly Wedded Bliss

Friday, July 23, 2010