Friday, February 27, 2009

Post-Marathon Siesta in Barcelona!

I'm honestly not sure if this is a photo or a drawing.

After the Paris Marathon on April 5th, I'll work one day at company headquarters and then take 3 vacation days.  We have that Friday off for Good Friday (the only Capital Markets holiday that is not also a Federal Banking holiday), so I get an extra day before the weekend.  

Today I bought a flight for Barcelona for a ridiculously cheap price.  My plan is to bring my backpack (for backpacking, not school books), stay in a cheap hostel in a cool location, explore on my own a city I've never been to but have heard is amazing.  

I am incredibly grateful to get to stay in a nice hotel in Paris, but you have a totally different kind of adventure when you backpack like a college student on a budget.  And I can't wait!   

1 comment:

HornHarmony said...

Probably doctored up a bit in Photoshop. How wonderful for you! :)

Talk Bryan into the benefits of taking a day off, planning ahead, and attending the wedding... :)