Wednesday, January 26, 2011

10 reasons why my husband is totally awesome

  1. He makes me lattes on the weekends (we call it Maybucks)
  2. He doesn't get mad that I inevitably steal the blankets (forcing him to snuggle against me to stay warm)
  3. He wakes up early with me and packs my lunch for me, even though I would probably stay in bed if I had the chance to sleep in
  4. He cooks and bakes all sorts of healthy and delicious goodness for me
  5. At least twice a week, he also goes running with me, even when it is below 20 degrees outside and it is snowing
  6. He isn't at all grossed out when I describe in detail everything I'm learning about childbirth and pregnancy in my Midwifery course
  7. He thinks I'm totally hot, even when I surprise him with my ice cold hands up his back
  8. He thinks I'm totally hot, even when I haven't showered in 2 days and am still wearing the same pair of socks
  9. He let me take over both drawers in the bathroom, and about 65% of the medicine cabinet space too
  10. He buys orchids and lillies and basil plants, and then pots them, so they will last longer


osei may said...

Awwh! Thank you, honey. Thanks for thinking so highly of me. I love you and I'm not the only awesome one here.

Amy said...

I wanted to keep it simple, but I have MANY more reasons than that!

HornHarmony said...

I was thinking, "you only came up with ten?!?" ;)

Amy said...

I know, I really had to edit it down. But I thought a list of 579 (off the top of my head) reasons would be less manageable for my readers to appreciate