Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Baby Whisperer in Action

Osei is the master baby whisperer.  He will swaddle her, and through a complex (and secret) process of movements and sounds, he will calm even a crying baby and woo her to sleep.  One of his key tricks is eye contact.  She'll look at him very intently, but soon go to sleep.  I maintain that he has a fairly easy job.  Palesa rarely cries, and her tears/fussiness is limited to her telling us she is either hungry or needs a dry diaper.  I think the mellowness of her birth experience contributes to the mellowness of her personality, because Palesa is thankfully one happy baby!  
She's also a fairly good sleeper.  During the night, she typically sleeps for stretches of 3-5 hours.  Since we are co-sleeping (even here in Colorado, she is sleeping in our bed with us), I wake up before she is fully awake even, and without hardly disturbing her, I'll just roll her over and nurse her.  Most of the time she falls asleep nursing, so I'll gently lay her down and we'll both sleep for a few more hours.  I can't really claim to be well-rested these days, but I'm getting enough sleep to function and feel good!    


Anonymous said...

I've heard stories that my dad had some special swaddling, calming technique that worked like a charm and no one else could do too. Yay for dads! -Eliza

Amy said...

I think dads are maybe more willing to rock/bounce them a little harder... it definitely works though! It is wonderful for all 3 of us that he is so good at calming her.