Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Our first plane trip!

Unlike previous trips with just Osei and I, we packed in advance, so getting ready to leave town wasn't too stressful.  We have an entire suitcase full cloth diapers, by the way.  Anyway, I put Palesa down at 10:00.  She was awake, but I turned the radio to static and she put herself to sleep.  Major success.  Osei and I went to bed around midnight, exactly when Palesa woke up again to eat.  And eat.  And eat.  And poop.  I tried putting her down, but she makes all kinds of cute noises, and I can't sleep when she's awake.  Finally, at 2:30, she and I both fell asleep, at last.  And at 4:45 am, the alarm clock rang.

We made it out the door and to the airport without incident.  Palesa spent most of her time in the Moby wrap, and she did wonderfully on the flight (a 5 hour flight from Boston to Denver).  She nursed during takeoff, but I couldn't wake her up to nurse for landing.  By the time we landed, she needed a new diaper and was pretty hungry.  She didn't cry until the plane landed, which I consider a major success.  Unfortunately, I didn't get much sleep on the flight- just a few short cat-naps.

Mom and Ralph picked us up from the airport, and were so thrilled to meet their new granddaughter!  It is hard not to fall in love with Palesa as soon as you set eyes on her, and just as we predicted, they are both smitten.

Eventually, we put Palesa on the dining room table while we ate dinner.  She was our centerpiece.

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