Friday, March 27, 2009

Excuse me, can I lock up my unicycle next to your Kebab stand?

I saw a guy riding a unicycle this morning on the way to work. We were BOTH on our way to the office, it seemed. He wore dress slacks, black dress shoes, and his coat tails were sort of flapping, perfectly symmectrically behind the wheel. Couldn't see under his coat, but I imagine there was a tie too.

It was quite a tall unicycle too. No helmet though.

The guy rode on the sidewalk along 52nd street, so seeing him on this particular route, unfortunatley, left me still a little unsatisfied about the logistical details of how exactly does one ride a unicycle to the office in New York City?

For example...

* What happens when you get to a stop light? Do you just hop off the thing, or just kind of "balance" in place?
* What if you can't avoid a sidewalk with scaffolding? Can you lower the seat, or do you have to stop and walk to avoid hitting your head?
* Hills? Both inclines and declines?
* Can you ride with a purse or briefcase? Do they make little unicycles with baskets?
* Where, exactly, would you put the lock on your cycle?
* Do they make a special helmet with an attached mouthpiece-whistle-contraption since you can't exactly attach a bike horn to your (non-existent) handlebars?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

came across this post while looking for how to lock up a unicycle.

I ride mine through the loop of chicago to school fairly often. When I get to stop light i usually just hold onto a pole or street sign.

The only real problem is people who start staring and dont get outta the way lol