Sunday, March 1, 2009

You know what kind of sucks?

...getting dumped.  Whether you partially expect it to happen or are caught completely off guard, being the "break-up-eee" is never any fun.

On the positive note, I just discovered all these cool things you can do in photoshop.  

Send good vibes!


Raingod said...

You rock!

Just thought I'd mention it :)

MelMaGray said...

ugh! I am so frustrated for you! I hate wasted emotions...wasted money on people who aren't with you for the long-haul of life...wasted time caring about the stupid stuff they care about that now you care about even after they have walked off...wasted time in being with the one who God really made for you.... But, as with every happening of life, you did learn a whole grew in character...and you took one more not-Mr. Right off the possibilities list. I am sad, though. you two were so stinking hot together! But like...who was it? Jess?...commented after your most recent post: you are hotter! :) I know you have gained so much by letting yourself trust and believe. Keep trusting God to bring your soul mate to you. I love you!