Friday, October 7, 2011

21.5 weeks

Hello all,

We spent a nice and busy weekend working at home in rainy Boston. Osei and I built an upholstered wood-paneled headboard for our bed, which looks awesome. It was a very fun project to work on together, and it is probably the most sturdy headboard ever- I think we used about 110 screws total! Luckily, since it is also massively heavy, we had a friend come over to help move it upstairs to our bedroom, and even help us attach it to the bed frame.

It was especially exciting for us to work on this project together because we wanted to do something crafty and fun before the baby comes, and it gives us a lot of confidence for other projects too- like building a co-sleeper! (A co-sleeper is sort of like a bassinette, but it attaches directly to your bed like a side-car).

Both of us are feeling really great. This picture is kind of late this week (because today I'm actually 22 weeks!). Osei has been able to find the heartbeat pretty easily with the fetoscope, and I've actually gotten to listen as well. It is amazing to hear the heart beating... I can feel Omee kicking and jumping and bouncing all the time, but it is really fun to remember that there is something ALIVE in there!

Hope all are well. This coming weekend Osei and I are going to NYC for the wedding celebration of dear friends of ours, which also happens to be on our one-year anniversary. What an amazing year it has been...

Hugs from all the Mays!


Amy, Osei, and Omee

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