Friday, October 7, 2011

36.5 weeks (and full-term as of today)!

Hello all,

This picture is from this past weekend, at 36.5 weeks. As has been the case lately, we had another busy weekend of nesting, errands, washing baby clothes and cloth diapers, and getting things ready for the impending arrival of baby Omee. In fact, we're so busy these days, there is hardly time to shower and actually dry my hair before taking these pictures!

Things are going very well and I'm still feeling pretty good, for the most part. As of today (Tuesday), I'm now considered "full term," which means that from now on, whenever I go into labor, we are cleared to have our homebirth. However, being full-term has no bearing on when this baby will actually arrive (it could literally be anytime in the next 5 weeks, but hopefully somewhere close to our expected due date of October 18th). We still need a few more weeks to figure out this whole name thing too!

Much love and blessings to all,

Amy, Osei, and baby omee

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