Friday, October 7, 2011

30.5 weeks

Hello all,

Here are two more pictures from about 30 1/2 weeks. Last weekend Osei and I flew to Pittsburgh for a wonderful family reunion. On our flight, I had to dress carefully so that I looked pregnant enough to get priority boarding on the airplane, but not too pregnant that anyone would question the safety of me flying (according to the airline we flew, I can actually fly up to 72 hours before my due date without a doctor's note).

In Pittsburgh, we got to visit my grandpa and many cousins on my mom's side of the family, as well as spend the afternoon with Osei's Aunt and Uncle, and a few of their kids. Friday night we all went to an old Pittsburgh landmark- the historical amusement park, Kennywood. I learned that there are NO rides recommended as safe for pregnant ladies, so I ignored the warning signs and went on the carousel 3 times (as well as a few other pretty tame rides). I definitely missed the roller coasters this year though! Osei seemed quite proud of what he called my "horseback riding adventure." Our weekend trip away was incredibly special (time spent with family is always special, and we are definitely blessed with amazing family!)

We had another prenatal this week, and Baby Omee is doing great, and definitely growing "on schedule." My blood pressure and vitals are all excellent, and my iron levels have actually increased since my 12 week blood test! I attribute this to floridex iron supplements, but mostly, the efforts of Osei to cook lots of iron (and protein) rich meals for our growing family.

I hope everyone is doing well. Love and hugs to all!


Amy, Osei, and baby Omee

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