Friday, October 7, 2011

26.5 weeks

Hello all,

Here is a picture from last weekend, at 26.5 weeks. Luckily, you can't see the sweat dripping from my face here, but wow, is it hot! (Our big heat wave isn't even supposed to get here until tomorrow- gulp!).

Today we have another prenatal visit, which is our last "monthly" visit before we switch to bi-weekly visits. Time is ticking along though- we start the third trimester next week!

Major accomplishments this week (outside of the 1/3 of a full-size watermelon that I devoured lastnight, though Osei helped some) include getting cloth diapers from two mothers who have either happily reached pottytraining or decided that they are not the crunchy cloth-diaper type and wanted to pass them along. I'm amazed at how far cloth diapers have come since my middle-school babysitting days, of bulky cloth prefolds with gigantic safety pins and plastic covers!

We still have several baby name books on loan from the library, and have actually opened a few of them. The other day I dreamed we had a boy, and I told Osei, "Ok, I think we better start picking out some baby names we like!" Hopefully we'll have our list down well before October!

Much love and hugs to all,

Amy, Osei, and baby Omee (who loves watermelon and won't stay still)

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