Friday, October 7, 2011

Refinished baby dresser

Sometime after my husband moved to Boston, old roomates threw out this buffet.  Osei picked it up and used it in his old apartment, and since our marriage began, it has been living in our basement.  In a classic spurt of "daddy nesting," Osei became determined to make it beautiful once again.

So, a shelf-full of library books, a few trips to the hardware store, and lots of sweat and labor later, Osei finially finished stripping and refinishing the dresser.  We moved it upstairs to our second bedroom, and it is now full of baby clothes and cloth diapers. 

The lanterns hanging above were also part of our wedding.

In these last few weeks/days before this baby comes, we continue to take advantage of whatever nesting whirlwinds come our way... hopefully many more fun baby projects ahead!

1 comment:

The Han Family said...

amy, its so beautiful~! i love the room you have for baby. :)