Thursday, October 27, 2011

Three Days Old

At our 3-day postpartum visit with the midwives, Palesa weighed 7lbs even (down only 4 ounces from birth, which is excellent).  She has no signs of jaundice, and is pink and healthy.  She got a heel prick.

Today my milk came in, and her poop changed from newborn meconium to normal infant poop.  She is still sleeping a ton, but she has a few more periods of active alert. She likes to just look around the room. When she's getting hungry, she'll make little rooting faces and mouth.  She'll open her mouth wide like a fish and sometimes bob her head front to back or shake it side to side.

She doesn't cry hardly at all, but when I change her diaper and undress her she can get a bit fussy. I sing to her little songs I make up, usually just singing her name over and over, and she loves that.  She also loves her little hands.  Daddy knows the secret to swaddling her, which she also loves.  We are both surprised at how well she holds her head up.  When she lays against our chests, she'll lift her head all the way off.

When we woke up this morning, she napped on Osei's chest and I just laid there watching them, these two that I love with everything I have.  I am weepy and emotional right now, crying over how much I love Osei and our new family together, crying over how much I love little Palesa, crying over the beauty of these moments we all share together.  I'm trying to capture and remember every detail, and I feel like there aren't enough seconds in the day to hold, kiss, and caress her beautiful body.  

Osei is taking amazing care of me and insisting that I spend as much time as possible in bed.  It has been tender and wonderful with him, and my heart melts at the way he looks at our daughter when he holds her and gazes down at her.  It was a new sensation to hug and not have a big belly between us.

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