Monday, January 5, 2009

Miles and Miles

For the past few years I've used Nike's training log (click to their blog here and follow the link on the left side) to record my training and racing.  It is helpful for keeping track of miles on my shoes, training volume, races etc.  

Here's the breakdown of my 2008 stats:

Total miles run in 2008: 1,118.1
Average miles/ month: 148.2
Average miles/week: 34.2
Average miles/day: 4.9
Total kilometers: 2,862.7

Running shoes: 5 pairs
Best race performance: 1:37:35 (unofficial) half marathon (13.1 miles)
Worst performance: I don't remember, but I think it was slow
Most memorable race: Reach the Beach- a 209 mile 12-person relay in New Hampshire
Injuries: None! Oh wait, one tiny hamstring pull in January 2008
Ratio of miles run in daylight vs before dawn/after dark:.95*

*Estimation.  I suppose I could calculate for sure, but the point is at least as many, if not more,  dark miles as day miles.

That's a pretty good year of running.  Personally, I think what is even cooler than all the miles I ran in 2008 is all the kilometers... 2,862.7 

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