Friday, January 16, 2009

Non-scientific tips for running outside when it is 9 degrees outside

I'm pretty much the biggest baby out there when it comes to cold tolerance (as in I have none).  Here's what works for me though. 
  1. The first one is from Captain Obvious.  Cotton is not your friend.  Anywhere.  
  2. Good mittens and hat, and wool socks too.  Saucony makes a great pair of fleece-lined mittens with a windbreaker shell.  I wear a Nike skullcap with a slit in the back for my ponytail.  Totally ingenious.  In the summertime, my toenails fall off, in the winter, my toes feel like they're falling off.  Big thick wool socks are great.  Tall ones too.  Pull them up as high as they'll go.  If you've only got anklets, you can also abstain from shaving your legs for added warmth, but I don't recommend that.  Buy taller socks.
  3. When the air is really cold, it can irritate your lungs and make you feel winded.  When your lungs hurt, it feels almost like you are tired-winded, but you're actually not tired.  Believe it or not it gets easier.
  4. Burt's Bees Honey Lip Balm Tube Chapstick is great, but not when it has mint or menthol.  I like Burt's Bees Wax Honey Lip Balm.
  5. Misery loves company, and peer pressure is a powerful drug.  You'd be amazed at how many suckers are floating around who you can talk into joining you.  Be sure to ask someone super competitive, and emphasize that it's no big deal if they can't handle the cold, you don't mind running alone.
  6. But if they have a "prior obligation" and bail on you, get some good distractions.  I personally recommend NPR Talk of the Nation, or beginner's Russian Language podcasts, or CFA Institute lectures on Financial Statement Analysis.  You wont think about cold.
  7. Another good idea is to go to the dentist immediately before your run, so that when your face is totally numb from windburn, you really only feel half of it, because your left side is numb from the Novocaine and you can't even tell that you're drooling and it is freezing, because again, you're good an numb.
  8. Train for a race, at least.  Running when its that cold just for the sake of "building character" is pretty ridiculous.  Admit it.  At least have a goal, and then you can pretend you're not a total masochist who actually likes little bits of ice chunking on your eyebrows.
  9. Fashion here doesn't matter. Forget the cute Victoria's Secret cut and whip out the stash of hardcore (non-cotton) granny undies.  Otherwise, that is a whole lot of extra tush not being shielded with an extra layer of fabric.
  10. Run, don't walk or bike.  Too slow and you never get warm in the first place.  Too fast and you make too much wind and get cold.  And while running, remember that both your feet and your nose run.  Perfect your snot rocket, and factor in the wind when you spit, because if you miss, the stuff freezes pretty quickly when it hits your jacket and then has to be sort of scraped off.
  11. While you're out running in the aforementioned 9 degree weather, feel free to silently mock all the crazy other runners stupid enough to be outside running.  In your head, make fun of their crazy outfits too, like the surgeon's masks, the tights with basketball shorts over them, and the really dumb ones who still wear shorts.  

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