Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Snowy Central Park on a run

I brought my camera on a run yesterday (thank you little zip-lock bag in my pocket).  Central Park, which I now know like the back of my hand was completely transformed.  Absolutely beautiful.  The only tough thing about running in snow like that is your eyes... if you wear sunglasses (yellow lenses), your eyes are protected, but they tend to fog up and you can't see anyways.  Otherwise, the snow clumps onto your lashes and eyebrows.  I think you get to a certain point though where your eyelashes are heavy enough with snow that they actually shield your eyes from the direct snowflake assault.  
Central Park entrance at Columbus Circle
Columbus Circle

1 comment:

HornHarmony said...

That reminds me of visiting you! So beautiful, and cold--not something I get to experience. (The cold part)
Happy Tuesday-Inaguration Day!